Chinese Shadows – Pomegranate X 中国影子—石榴 10, 2012
Watercolor on Chinese paper, mounted on silk 水彩, 皮纸
33 3/16 x 64 15/16 inches. (84.2 x 165.0 cm)
上海James Cohan 画廊荣幸推出《中国影子》-- 美国表现主义艺术大师弗朗切斯科•克莱门特个展。展览将于2014年3月14日周五开幕并展至4月13日周日;本次展览是艺术家继2012年首次亮相上海后举办的第二次个展。
同时展出的还有部分精选的水彩作品,创作完成于印度、纽约和洛杉矶 -- 这些克莱门特自20世纪70年代生活和工作的地方。在这组作品中,《一个被巧妙诠释的故事》(2013),由十二幅小型的水彩画组成,每一幅长29.6 厘米宽21(长11 3/5 英寸,宽8 1/4英寸),描述了希腊神话中阿波罗和达芙妮的传说,一个关于变形、复仇、单相思爱恋和无法被满足的欲望的情欲故事。
弗朗切斯科 • 克莱门特1952年出生于意大利那不勒斯,他被广泛认为是过去40年里最具象征意义的当代艺术家,他通过永恒性的标志,神话,文化和哲学创立了独一无二的图形语言。艺术家在创作媒介的选 择—油画、壁画、水彩、蜡笔画、拼贴与水粉画—以及作品主题上的多样性深受着他游牧民般的艺术生活的影响。
从20世纪70年代早期开始,艺术家便不断往来意大利与印度两国旅行,这次展览有不少作品便是在印度创作的。1980年,在与妻子和家人在纽约定居后,他很快成为当地艺术家和作家圈子里的重要的一员,此后他仍一直前往印度旅行。他与一些好友例如著名诗人艾伦 • 金斯伯格与罗伯特 • 克瑞里合作创作。1981年,出于对批评圈中一些反绘画情绪表示抗议,他与尚 • 米榭 • 巴斯奇亚、安迪 • 沃霍尔联合创作了一系列作品。与其他艺术家合作的开放性,以及自己的实验创作,都对其成为国际艺术世界一颗冉冉升起的新星起到重要作用。他的作品不久就在第七届卡塞尔文献展(1982)与威尼斯双年展(1988,1993与1995年)上展出。主要美术馆个展包括德国柏林国家美术馆(1984),法国巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心(1994),纽约古根海姆博物馆(1999),意大利那不勒斯多纳雷吉纳当代艺术馆(2009),以及最近的德国法兰克福锡恩美术馆(2011),意大利佛罗伦萨乌菲齐美术馆(2011)。曾有人说,克莱门特作为一名艺术家,他的角色是为对意识的普遍见证。他成长为一名艺术家的时候是一个意识更新的需要成为时代升格的时候,这也回溯到他艺术创作倾向上:“作为艺术家,我生命中原始的冲动,”克莱门特说,“是写作,并把写作用影像呈现出来。”他一直以来都追求者扣人心弦的图像,不断实现从已创立的自我概念中挣脱开来,以求达到对意识的拓展。这一持续的需求,以及他对哲学和性灵的不倦的兴趣,在1973年将他带到了印度。他的1970年代的一半以上的时光,是在印度南部城市马德拉斯即今天的钦奈所度过,并且在印度四处游历。不久之后,克莱门特便在印度建立了自己的工作室,并与当地的艺术家合作,以及和神志学协会的成员交流想法我们也可以说,克莱门特的作品与生活正在不断扩大其多层的经历记录,每个地方都对在当地创作的作品产生了独特的影响,成为一场前进的视觉性回忆录的起点,同时也包含了一场久远的既富个性又普遍性的历程。
更多的信息和图片,请联系 Angela Li: 或画廊 +86-21-54660825。画廊工作时间:周二至周六,早十点至晚六点,周日中午12点至晚6点,周一请预约。
Chinese Shadows – Red Ribbon I 中国影子—红丝带 1, 2012
Watercolor on Chinese paper, mounted on silk 水彩, 皮纸
33 3/16 x 64 15/16 inches. (84.2 x 165.0 cm)
March 14 through April 13, 2014
Opening Reception: March 14, 2014, Friday, 6-8pm
James Cohan Gallery Shanghai is pleased to present an exhibition by Francesco Clemente, The Chinese Shadows, opening on Friday, March 14th and continuing through Sunday, April 13th. This is the artist's second solo exhibition at the gallery in Shanghai.
During the artist's first visit to mainland China in 2012, Clemente created a dynamic series of thirteen unique hand-painted monotypes, utilizing watercolor, gouache, and ink on traditional Chinese paper mounted to silk. Clemente, who is equally acknowledged as a master of various printmaking practices over the course of his career, occasionally engages printmaking technics to explore or further extend the ideas of serial imagery. He is also widely acclaimed and recognized for revitalizing the art of portraiture and, in particular self-portraiture, which the artist began to develop more intensely by the mid 1970s. For Clemente, the self-portrait is a means towards deeper introspection of the psychic imagination, reaching far beyond a formal or technical likeness. The self-portraits, as well as in the many portraits of others he has painted over the years, are essential to the understanding of artist's vision and personal cosmology. In The Chinese Shadows monotypes, Clemente has created a cohesive, sequential body of works that address the metaphysical or mythological self and the ancient Chinese philosophical principles of the universe yin (associated with the female, earth, dark, and cold) and yang (male, heaven, heat, and light) as a composite of the human spirit. Familiar motifs of Chinese life and culture are featured: flowing red ribbons, pomegranates suggesting small handheld lanterns, and four monotypes that feature the twelve heavenly creatures of the Chinese zodiac. The transformative juxtaposition between human and animal has been an ongoing theme the artist has continually explored throughout his career. Adhering to a defined palette of red, black and shades of gray, The Chinese Shadows exemplify the artist's astute awareness and knowledge of China's long traditions of both ink painting and supernatural storytelling.
Also on view are selected watercolors that Clemente created in India, a place the artist has lived and worked since the early 1970s, as well as works made in New York and Los Angeles. Featured among this group is A Story Well Told (2013), consisting of twenty small watercolors, each measuring 29. 6 x 21 cm; 11 3/5 x 8 1/4 inches, that depict the legendary Greek myth of Apollo and Daphne, an erotic tale of transformation, vengeance, unrequited love, and failed desire.
Francesco Clemente, born in 1952 in Naples, Italy, is widely recognized as a defining contemporary artist for the past four decades who has established an extraordinary, singular pictorial language that draws on timeless symbols, mythologies, cultures, and philosophies. The diversity of the artist’s chosen mediums— paintings, frescos, watercolors, pastels, collage, and gouache—and the themes and subject matter of his works have been deeply informed by Clemente’s nomadic artistic life.
Since the early 1970s the artist has continually traveled between Italy and India where many of the works in this current exhibition were made. He continued to travel to India, after settling in New York with his wife and family in 1980, where Clemente quickly became a vital member of the community of artists and writers. He collaborated with close friends, notably the poets Allen Ginsberg and Robert Creeley, and in 1981, reacting against a wave of anti-painting sentiment among critical circles, Clemente initiated a series of collaborative paintings with Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol. The openness to collaborating with other artists combined with his experimental practices contributed to Clemente becoming a rising star of the international art world. His works were soon exhibited at both Documenta 7 in 1982 and the Venice Biennale in 1988, 1993, and again in 1995. Major solo museum exhibitions followed at the Nationalgalerie Berlin (1984), Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (1994), Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (1999), MADRE Museum, Naples (2009), and more recently at Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt (2011) and Uffizi Gallery, Florence (2011). It has been said that Clemente’s conviction in his role as an artist is a kind of universal witness of consciousness. He came of age as an artist during a time when the call for a renewal of consciousness was the anthem of the day, which also points to the origins of his artistic inclinations: “The original impulse in my life as an artist,” Clemente has said, “was to write and to break from writing into image.” He has since then pursued arresting and indelible images which bring about an increased realization of the need to break with established notions of Self in order to expand awareness. This imperative, which continues, and his unflagging interest in philosophy and spirituality took Clemente to India for the first time in 1973. He would spend more than half of the 1970s, at irregular intervals, in the southern city of Madras, present day Chennai, and traveled extensively throughout the country. It was not long before Clemente set up a studio and had begun collaborating with local artists and exchange ideas with members of the Theosophical Society there. It can also be said that Clemente’s work and life continues to expands on multilayered records of experience, each place having its own influence on the works created at any given location, becoming an embarkation point for an ongoing visual memoir that encompasses simultaneously a profoundly personal and yet universal journey.
For further information or image requests please contact Angela Li at or contact the gallery at +86 21 54660825. Gallery hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Monday by appointment.
Francesco Clemente's oeuvre spans four decades and has achieved international acclaim. Throughout the 1970s he exhibited works that reflected his interest in the contemplative traditions of India, where he lived several years. In 1981 Clemente moved to New York with his wife and four children. His paintings, drawings, prints and illustrated books have been subject of numerous important traveling exhibitions. Clemente has illuminated poetry by Robert Creeley, Allen Ginsberg and Rene Ricard, and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.